C++ String - String Class and Char Array

In C++, strings can be represented in two ways.

(1) String using char array (C style string)

(2) String class

C++ String Using Char Array

String is also known as character array. A collection of character is string. String can be used to manipulate words and sentences.

A string constant is one-dimensional array of character and each array is terminated by null ('\0=0').

We know that a character occupies 1 byte. '\0' is null character and it is only one character and its ASCII value is '0'.

To manipulate string using char array, you must include string.h header file.

Defining a String Using Char Array


char s[] = ('P','R','O','G','R','A','M','M','I','N','G','\0');

char s[] = "PROGRAMMING";

char s[12] = "PROGRAMMING" ;

Function in string.h header file

There are many functions in string.h header file to manipulate strings. Some of them are:

strlen : Find length of string .

strcat : Appends one string at the end of other string. Concatenate two strings.

strcmp : Compares two strings.

strrev : Reverse a string.

strcpy : Copy one string to another.

strlwr : Convert a string to lowercase.

strupr : Convert a string to uppercase.

String Class

We have learnt above about string using char array or c style string. ANSI standard C++ provides a new class called string. We can make string objects using string class.

To using string class, we must include this statement,

String class has many methods, constructors and operators to manipulate string object.

Declaring a String Object

A string object can declared in the same way as declaring other objects. 

string str;

Initializing a String Object

Using one argument constructor
string str("PC TECHNICAL PRO");

By simply assigning string
string str="PC TECHNICAL PRO";

Functions of String Class

String class has many functions or methods to manipulate string object.

Some of them are : 

append() : Appends a string to other string.

empty() : Check whether a string is empty or not. If string is empty, returns one, else return 0.

length() : calculates the length of string.

Operators of String Class

String class has many overloaded operators to manipulate string object.

Some of them are : 

=        Assigning values to strings object. We can assign one string to other string object using (=) operator.

+       Concatenation

==        Check whether two string objects are equal.


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