Simplex, Half Duplex and Full Duplex Communication

Simplex, Half Duplex and Full Duplex communication

Simplex, Half Duplex and Full Duplex are communication modes according to data exchanges between sender and receiver. Half duplex and full duplex are part of Duplex.

Simplex Communication Mode

In simplex communication mode, communication between sender and receiver is unidirectional. That means, sender can send data to receiver but, can’t receive data from receiver. This unidirectional property of simplex transmission mode decreases its performance than half and full duplex mode. An example of simplex transmission mode is the communication between keyboard and monitor. Keyboard always sends data to monitor but can’t receive data from receiver.

Half Duplex Communication Mode

In half duplex communication mode, communication between sender and receiver occurs in both directions, but one at a time. Both the sender and receiver can transmit and receive the data but, only one is allowed to transmit at one time. We can assume a scenario when, there is a road, in which only vehicle can travel on the road at a time. And if there are two vehicles travelling in opposite direction, then one vehicle have to wait till the second vehicle cross the road. Another example of half duplex transmission mode is walkie-talkies. The speaker at both the end of walkie-talkies can speak but they have to speak one by one. Both can’t speak at one time.

Full Duplex Communication Mode

In full duplex communication mode, communication between sender and receiver can be done simultaneously. Sender and receiver both can transmit and receive data simultaneously at the same time. An example of full duplex transmission mode is like a two way road in which traffic can flow in both the direction at the same time. The ability of full duplex transmission mode (“communicate between sender and receiver simultaneously”) makes its performance better than simplex and half duplex transmission mode. An example of full duplex transmission mode is telephone. 


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