Introduction to C++ language

C++ is an object-oriented programming language. C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at AT&T Bell Laboratories. In 1978, Bjarne Stroustrup was started working on the enhancement of C language. Bjarne Stroustrup was developed a programming language in 1979, called C with Classes. Bjarne Stroustrup was added many new concepts in C such as class concept and many other object-oriented concept. In 1983, C with Classes was further named C++.

Facts of C++

World first object-oriented programming language was Simula67. C++ was inspired by computer simulation language called Simula67.

Java is written in C++.

Major operating systems are written in C++.

C++ is the world 4th most used programming language.

Features of C++

C++ is a middle level language. Middle level language means both low level and high programs can be written in C++. Low level programming means machine dependent programming such as device driver programs and system software programs. High level programming includes application programs and these programs are independent to hardware’s.

C++ supports object-oriented paradigm.

In C++, three separate programming traditions can be allowed
  • Procedural programming like C
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Generic programming by C++ templates

Advantages of C++ language over C language

C++ is a super set C language

C++ programs can use existing C library files

C++ follows bottom up approach of programming language

In C++, a variable can be declared anywhere in a program.

Concept of class is not available in C language

Many other concepts such as virtual function, constructor, destructor etc is not available in C language


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